I have always been a curious cat… I love asking ‘why’ (sometimes I ask whys so many times that it irritates my parents) 😉 ;-). I started playing tennis at the age of 5 and soon progressed to become a competitive player. I train a lot and have a ball basket of 100 balls. We usually change balls as they get old and stop bouncing well. My dad sometimes used to give the balls away to others and sometime he would simply throw them away. I observed that most people in Hong Kong play with new balls and discard the cans and balls after one or two sessions. It made me wonder how many balls are used around the world? And how many are wasted?
So when my end of primary school exhibition project process started I decided to take up this mission of reusing balls and cans and finding ways to destroy them in a environmentally friendly manner. Because Every Ball Matters….
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